Update: Session 42

Negotiations resumed on a successor contract for the INA RN collective bargaining agreement. The parties met in person without the mediator.

The joint session began with UIC's lead negotiator presenting their counters to float team, floating/pulling, as well as a counter to INA's health and safety proposal. The INA presented their reassertions to workday, workweek, parental leave, scrubs, non-nursing duties, budgeted positions, staffing and safe patient limits. Then, they presented a supposal to tentatively agree to incentive bonus, bilingual bonus, preceptor differential, and withdraw their weekend differential in exchange for their shift and charge differential. The parties returned to their caucus.

When the parties returned to the bargaining table, UIC's lead negotiator presented a supposal related to wages and differentials. The INA would tentatively agree to UIC's counters to on-call, charge differential, preceptor differential, incentive and bilingual bonus.  Then withdraw their counters to weekend differential, parental leave, and non-nursing duties. The INA stated their rejections from the morning and reasserted their proposal to float team, floating/pulling, as well as health and safety.  Then, they presented their counter to health and safety.

The parties coordinated for the next bargaining session and returned to their caucus.